Doing Authentic Ministry, Getting Authentic Results! While many other people will compromise to tell you want you want to hear, Pastor Rod believes in the Gospel and always aligns his teaching with the Gospel (The Good News). If you want to hear the truth and be set free, Contact Pastor Rod. When you live what you preach, you send two messages, the silent message where people can see who you are through your actions. Secondly, your words, they will see they align with the word of God. Your words and your actions should compliment one another. The words should confirm your actions, likewise, your actions should confirm your words. The truth shall set you free.
Serving a Real God, Serving Real People, Getting Real Results. Truth is the pathway to our success. Many people have given up on God and his ways. I am living proof, that God’s way, Works. It Works. The Gospel and Living Right works. Righteous living will bring you Righteous blessings. Pastor Rod believes highly in the Golden Rule, treat people the way you want to be treated. Only what you do for Christ will last.
Pastor of New Love Tabernacle Christian Church ( 9 years Pastoring)
Have you ever felt lost in your walk with Christ? You have questioned yourself and God as to why many of the things you have gone through just didn’t make sense. It seems as if much of your life is a mistake. I would encourage you to purchase my book Reign After The Pain. In this book you will find that no road you have traveled is a mistake. God has a plan for your life and he has prepared you for what’s in front of you. In this book I talk about all the ups and downs I have been through, and one day, it all came together and made since. There is an appointed season awaiting you and all the time you thought you were lost, God was preparing you for your season.
1. Public Speaking
2. Marriages/ Marriage Counseling
3. Family Counseling
4. Individual Counseling
5. Mentoring
Contact Pastor Perrymond for services through email
[email protected]